Sony Q68LW Headphone Reviews

Manufacturer Sony Model Q68LW
Headphone Type Clipons Headband Type None
Weight (g) 43 Driver Type Dynamic
Enclosure Material Plastic Isolation (dB) 10
Impedance (ohms) 24 Cable Length (cm) 8
Frequency Response (Hz) 16 - 24000  
Connector 3.5mm Street Price US$25
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Average reviewer scores
Bass Extension 4.0 Bass Impact 5.0
Bass Quality 4.0 Mids Quality 5.0
Highs Quality 4.0 Soundstage 3.0
Detail 4.0 Portability 9.0
Isolation 4.0 Comfort 7.0
Durability 6.0 Improvement With Amplification 5.0
Value for Money 5.0    
Overall Score 5.1 Total Reviews 1

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Review by Senior Member chunkage on 08 Apr 08  16:27
Individual review
Bass Extension4
Bass Impact5
Bass Quality4
Mids Quality5
Highs Quality4

The MDR-Q68LW looks like any number of ear-clip phones, but they're actually a step forward - at least on one count. Unlike the beloved KSC-75 and similar clips, it has solved one of the more exasperating problems: tangled cables.

The Q68LW has thin but sturdy cables that automatically rewind at the flip of a button. A few other clips do this, but Sony has perfected it. I use these for sampling TV shows from the web when larger phones are too hot and cumbersome.

Moreover, the sound is noticeably clipped; anything under 40 cycles cannot be heard, nor much over 15k. The claimed frequencies are grossly overrated. The Koss KSC-75 is cheaper and has a more appealing sound.

I use these while listening to TV downloads, and the sound is not quite as "sparkling" as the similar KSC-75. Cable management is the outstanding advantage. They're also surprisingly comfortable.

Thee sound is noticeably clipped; anything under 40 cycles cannot be heard, nor much over 15k. The claimed frequencies are nonsense. As a result, these clips may sound a bit "dead" for extended music listening. Even CD tracks can sound bland.

But if you've had it with cables, the MDR-Q68LW does its job well.

Sony Q68LW