JVC-Victor Headphones

Model Type Enclosure Material Reviews Overall Score Price (US$)
DX1000Closed CircumauralWood0 799
HA-FX33 MarshmallowCanalPlastic35.319
HA-G55Closed CircumauralPlastic0 30
HA-G770Closed CircumauralPlastic0 50
HADX1Closed CircumauralPlastic0 80
HADX3Closed CircumauralPlastic0 120
HAE130CliponsPlastic0 15
HAG33Closed CircumauralPlastic0 25
HAM300Closed SupraauralPlastic0 25
HANC100Noise cancellingPlastic0 100
HANC80Noise cancellingPlastic0 70
HARX500Closed CircumauralPlastic0 20
HAS350B or HAS350WClosed SupraauralPlastic13.430

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